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Latest revision as of 22:59, 12 January 2025

Ban All Medabots is the 18th (in English 12th) episode of the Medabots anime.


Concerned parents believe Medabots are a menace and have them all confiscated.[1]

Mrs. Pimply and the female members of the PTA form a group call Mothers Against Medabots (M.A.M.) and attempts to rid Riverview School of Medabots as they believe Medabots are dangerous.[2]


Mrs. Pimply and the female members of the PTA attempts to rid of all Medabots in the city's school as they believe that Medabots are dangerous. Mrs. Pimply's desire to get rid of Medabots began in the beginning of the episode when the Rubberobo Gang made her drop her supply of anti-aging wrinkle cream and ran it over.

It then cuts over to the school, where Ikki, Erika, the Screws and their Medabots are playing Dodgeball, with Erika doing well against the others.

Erika hits Peppercat with the ball, and this makes Samantha angry, only for Mr. Principal and Samurai to show up with Mr. Principal asking to join in on the game. When Erika refuses and recommends some games to fit their age, both Samurai and Mr. Principal get angry and suddenly agree to participate in the game not caring about medical conditions. After Samurai lands the hit to take Erika out of the game, he and Metabee share a bonding moment, which is ruined by Mrs. Pimply who shows up with the PTA members asking Mr. Principal why Medabots are on school grounds, with him saying that the school period already ended. Not liking what she hears, Mrs. Pimply demands that the no Medabots rule must be followed and they're to be confiscated, which the other PTA members start to do by throwing a net over the other Medabots, taking all except for Samurai and Metabee, who flee. Students of the school, including Erika, Ikki, and the Screws, begin to protest for their Medabots, only for Mrs. Pimply to deny them screaming that any Medabots found now belong to her.

The scene shifts to the Meeting Room, where members of the PTA are stating their opinions on why Medabots shouldn't be allowed at school. With none of the faculty saying anything to disprove the claims, Mrs. Pimply goes on to say that any Medabot found on school property will be confiscated. A horde of students, including Erika, Ikki, and the Screws, rush into the room, surrounding Mrs. Pimply and telling her that they're being unfair and shouldn't take away their Medabots. Mrs. Pimply is unwilling to listen, saying it has nothing to do with them, with Erika counterargumenting that this situation does relate to them since they're the ones being the most affected. Mr. Principal asks everyone to calm down, and Coach Mountain arguments that he used to dislike Medabots, but he no longer finds them bad. Knowing that the faculty don't want to take away the Medabots, Mrs. Pimply declares that the PTA must be the ones to do so, leading to a short montage of the PTA finding many different Medabots hidden in the school.

After locking up more Medabots in a storage room outside the school, two unknown kids run off to tell other students about what they saw. The scene then cuts to the PTA members standing outside Hop Mart bringing awareness to others that the store sells dangerous products. Henry steps outside to see what the protest is about, only to find out that they're directly protesting the store as "Medabot dealers." Outside the Ginjou Station, Erika is seen with other students as part of a movement trying to get signatures for their petition to get back their Medabots from the PTA. Rokusho sees this from the top of the Ginjou Road sign and wonders on the struggles between the young and the old, questioning what good can come from the fighting between the two generations.

Ikki is shown to be eating at home, but is sad. This is something his mother notices and asks him what is the matter. When she is informed that the Medabots are being taken away, she responds about how horrible it is that the Medabots are being taken, as they are like pets, and she then asks if pets are allowed in the school, which Metabee replies that they aren't, causing her to wonder where Salty been all week.

After that, the episode goes to Mrs. Pimply and the PTA members standing outside Mr. Principal's office, which he is standing in front of, demanding for him to give them Samurai. Mrs. Pimply asks for it by asking him to think of the example he is setting for the kids. He replies with that he won't let them take Samurai since he is his friend, forcing him to take shelter in his office due to the PTA trying to slip behind him to reach Samurai. Much to his surprise, Samurai is "missing". The scene shifts to Ikki asking Erika what's wrong, which she replies with that she is sad since she hadn't been away from Brass for such a long time, and that no adults are willing to listen to them about the current situation. Metabee reveals himself sitting behind a tree adding his opinion, noting that Medabots are in a worse situation than the kids. Ikki tells him to leave since he shouldn't be at the school, but Metabee refuses, stating he'll fight for his right to Robattle. Both Ikki and Erika are dejected and unsure of how they'll be able to do anything since they're kids, only for Samurai to reveal himself standing on the branch above the tree they're talking at, and jumps down to them saying that he'll need their help for his plan to work.

The episode cuts over to two members of the PTA standing in front of the confiscated Metabots storage room. Metabee shows himself to their right calling out to them and shaking his back plate at them before running off. This causes the two PTA members to run after him, allowing Ikki, Erika, and Samurai to run to the door. Samurai took the moment to cut the chains and lock off the door, allowing for them to free the Metabots held inside with Ikki adding that they'll challenge the PTO members to a Robattle. Meanwhile, Mrs. Pimply is slapping the door asking for Mr. Principal to open it for her. She turns to the faculty asking for them to help her, only to get no aid from them. The two members who chased after Metabee show up telling her that all of the captured Metabots are now free. Erika, with the help of a megaphone, speaks up to call out to the PTO members. As both the faculty and the PTA members run out of the school, they see desks and chairs piled on top of one another with protest signs. Erika speaks to the PTO about how the imprisonment of Medabots is a detriment to their childhood development and mental health, as well as a violation of their human rights (which is to play with their Medabots on their own time or during recess). She finishes by saying that they will not go to school until the rule about Medabots is changed. Some of the faculty speak up asking for the students to stop, but they're refused. Metabee then speaks up, saying Medabots are people too, but this just confuses everyone.

The PTA members speak up about how the Medabots have turned the students into protesters. Mr. Principal walks up, upset at the chaos happening around him, and starts questioning why this is happening to his students and his school. Samurai shows up beside him and replies by telling him that he needs to do something about this situation. Mr. Principal doesn't know what to do, and asks him what he (Samurai) would do in his place due to the conflicting views of the adults and the students. Samurai replies with how Mr. Principal should be ashamed for forgetting about the purpose of education and that every moment of the students' time is used for education. So, instead of treating the school and the student's free time as "prison", they should be allowed to play.

Right as Mr. Principal says that Samurai is right, the Rubberobo Gang show up declaring that, since the parents and teachers of their time didn't allow them to be rock and rollers, they were going to tear up the school. As their Medabots start circling around the adults, the Rubberobo Gang begin to perform a concert that makes both the adults and students recoil at how horrible they sound. The PTA go in to stop the concert, but Seaslug orders their Medabots to stop the women from getting any closer, with a horde of Noctobats appearing in the air and shooting at the PTA members to keep them away.

The children, not liking that the Rubberobo Gang are attacking the adults and the school, storm out of the school and demand for them to leave. The Rubberobo Gang refuse, which instigates a Robattle between the kids and the Noctobats. Mr. Referee shows up to make it an official match, which starts the fighting. The PTA members are still hating Medabots due to being chased by them, only for Mr. Principal to point out to them that both students and Medabots are fighting against those who want to destroy the school and that the students are just like them in that they want to protect their rights, their school, their freedom, and their friends, human or otherwise.

As Medabots on both sides are being taken out of the battle, Gillgirl talks to Seaslug about the students seeming to have an upper hand in the battle, but Seaslug does not plan to give up. Rokusho shows up on top of the school, telling everyone to stop the battle. He states that battling in an all out attack will cause many unnecessary damages to Medabots, so a representative should be picked on both sides in order to declare a victor and a loser. Seaslug picks himself to be the representative with the two unknown Medabots finally revealed as Landmotors. Metabee makes him and Ikki a representative, only for Ikki to remind him that there are two Medabots on Seaslug's side, so it needs to be a team Robattle. Samurai offers his services for this match, which Mr. Principal agrees to, and the match starts once more. Seaslug orders the Landmotors to convert into car mode, allowing them to circle around Metabee and Samurai due to them being faster than the two. With an order of Crash Attack, the Landmotors run through Metabee and Samurai, knocking them to the ground.

As Metabee gets knocked down once again, Samurai steps in front of him saying that, since his armor is thicker than Metabees, that he can take the next hit. Unfortunately, the protective armor still sends both Medabots through the air for a rough landing. Seaslug and the other Rubberobos want Mr. Referee to call the match, but he refuses, stating that it is not over yet. Metabee and Samurai get up as the students chant together for them to get up and fight, which they do and stand still looking at the Landmotors as they come closer to them. They decide that, if they can't beat them with speed, then they'll have to beat them with strength. Upon the collision between the four Medabots, Metabee and Samurai hold their ground, surprising Seaslug. They toss the Landmotors on their heads, allowing for them to land direct attacks on the CAR type Medabots, making their functions cease, and allowing for Mr. Referee to declare them the victor.

The students all cheer for the two Medabots, who share a joke between each other right before the students begin to throw them in the air cheering them on. As this goes on, Rokusho disappears once again, the PTA members are crying at the passion the Medabots showed to protect the school, and Mr. Principal speaks up in defense of the Medabots. As one of the PTA swears that they'll loosen up on their children and the restrictions placed on them, she turns to see Mrs. Pimply shaking Seaslug (who does not hear due to being shocked speechless by his loss) shouting about him owing her a year's supply of anti-aging wrinkle cream. The other PTA members ask her what she is talking about, and she explains that, a week ago, Seaslug's Medabots ran over her year's supply of anti-aging wrinkle cream, and she wanted compensation. The other PTA members, after hearing this, ask her if this movement was done because of it, which she confirms. The members (who are furious at having been led into a wild goose chase for something so petty) then chase her out of the school. The episode ends with everyone in the school watching the scene, with Metabee joking that maybe anti-aging wrinkle cream should be banned after all the trouble it caused, and the Rubberobo Gang standing in despair behind them.


  • There is an animation error when Samurai cuts the lock from the storage. When he attacks, he is holding one sword with both hands. When the door opens, he is shown holding a sword on each hand.
  • Although the Noctobats have Anti-Air missile attacks, as previously seen in For Better, For Worse - Part II, in this episode they attack with laser beams.

In the episode

  • Ikki and Metabee won Landmotor's right arm.


English dub changes

Anime Ginjou Station

Ginjou Station.

Anime school protest

The children protesting.

  • The dub starts with a fade in.
  • The repetition from the scene Mrs. Pimply panics was removed.
  • All mentions to anti-aging wrinkle cream are exclusive to the dub. In the original Mrs. Pimply does not reveal what was inside the packages destroyed by the Rubberobo Gang, only that she had just bought them.
  • Samurai is more talkative during the dodgeball match in the dub, taunting Erika for calling him old and mentioning that he used to play baseball on the Tokyo Medabot League as the star pitcher. In the original he only commended Erika for lasting so long against him and says that it is time to finish the game.
  • The line "Get ready to feel the wrath of my hyper charged mach 1 pitch of doom" is roughly "Take this! Fūrinkazan! Blazing big league ball! Pledging makyū! Rainbow Deluxe!" in the original, with the speedy ball creating a trail of light with varying colors, with a voice exclaiming "rainbow!" after the throw.
  • In the original Samurai says that Metabee has "hone" (骨, "bone", which figuratively can mean "knack", and in this case "backbone" could be used to keep the pun), and Metabee says that he has a Tinpet, not bones. In the dub Samurai says Metabee has strong servos, and Metabee says that he works out and the ladies love it.
  • A Medal transition was replaced by a fade out, and the sign in the following scene, Meeting Room (会議室), was translated, but texts in the following meeting scenes were removed, alongside one camera movement.
    • The sign above the teachers says 教育は愛だ! ("Educating is caring!"). In the dub it can still be seen partially in the scene Coach Mountain says that he used to dislike Medabots.
    • The text on the blackboard appears to be 緊急討議メダロットは撲滅するべきざます! ("Urgent debate: Medarots ought to be eradicated!").
  • The text in the bag Turnmonkey was hiding, 猿田 (Saruta, a name meaning "monkey field"), was removed.
  • After the Medabots are locked in a warehouse, the original has a pause where the narrator explains that after this day the Medabot hunt had spreaded outside the school. There is no pause in the dub.
  • When Hop Mart appears, the camera does not move in the dub, not showing some of the signs. Their texts include 子供を守る! ("Protect the children!"), ぜったい許ちない ("Absolutely unforgivable"), and 社会の敵だ! メダロット撲滅 吟醸小学校PTA ("Enemies of society! Medarot eradication - Ginjou Elementary School PTA")
  • Two signs, 子供の敵 メダロット ("Enemies of the children: Medarots") and メダロット反対 ("Medarot opposition"), were respectively translatated as "Bad" and "Danger!".
  • While the PTA goes direct to the point in the original, in the dub they are indirect, saying that the store sells products that are dangerous for kids.
  • The front view of the Ginjou Station (ぎんじょう駅) was cut.
  • In the original the narrator informs that Erika's movement is not doing well and Rokusho observes silently from the Ginjou Road sign. In the dub Rokusho gives insight about the situation.
  • Metabee getting red was cut. In the original Chidori said that she feels sorry for the Medabots and that Metabee only wanted to go to the school to study alongside everyone else, embarrassing Metabee and surprising Ikki. In the dub Chidori thinks that Medabots are like pets, and pets are allowed to go to school too, but Metabee notes that pets are not allowed either, and this made Chidori wonder where Salty has been all week.
  • The eyecatches were replaced by a fadeout.
  • The part where Metabee reveals a text written on his back saying アホ ("fools") was cut.
  • There is a full view of the children's protest that appeared twice. The first was replaced by a later scene, and the second was cut, possibly due to the several banners and signs visible.
    • In other scenes, some of the signs were translated as "No Medabots - No peace", "Medabot 24/7", "Heck no we won't go (to school)", and one had its text erased, being left blank. The larger banner was translated as "Robattling for Freedom".
  • The senior faculty member's memory of his younger days was cut. The text on his helmet is 勝利 ("victory").
  • In the original, Metabee's line "Medabots are people too, you know!" and Ikki's "Huh, Metabee, maybe you should let us do the yelling." are "Medarots have human rights too!" and "Can it be called human rights for Medarots?", referencing the human nature.
  • In the original, Samurai's explanation about education for the Principal's dilemma is less direct. Samurai says that the Japanese word for education (教育) is a combination of the kanji 教 ("to teach") and 育 ("to raise"), and he asks him what it means to raise. Is it to force something onto the kids like the PTA is doing? He then asks the Principal to think about it.
  • The Rubberobo Gang graffitiing the school was cut.
  • The scene with references and parodies to music from Japan's 1980s that Seaslug heard was cut. Some of the visible LP records are Yokohama Ginbae (written as 川崎銀蝿, "Kawasaki Ginbae"), Yutaka Ozaki's Seventeen's Map (四十一歳の地図, "Forty-One's Map"), and Kaikisen (回帰線). The image also has two Nameneko.
  • A fadeout was added after the kids go stop the Rubberobo Gang.
  • One part with three students saying they will protect the school was cut.
  • The scene repetition when Metabee and Samurai hold the Landmotors was cut.
  • After the PTA members learned of Mrs. Pimply's motives, in the original she realized she got in trouble and is speechless, and tries to apologize while running away. In the dub, after the PTA listed her motives, Mrs. Pimply added that the cream also makes her skin healthy, and asks the PTA to be careful with her face as she fled, seeming to not have understood the situation and no regrets.


Note: All characters are listed in order of their first appearances in the episode. The time they appear is the time from the Japanese dub.

Image Name Note
Anime Housewives Housewives
Three women that were chatting in the beginning. In the Japanese version one of them was voiced by Makimoto Yuriharu.
Robo Seaslug In this episode the Rubberobo Gang members behave like a bōsōzoku, with two Landmotors acting like their bikes.
CAR Landmotors
Mrs Fanny B. Pimply
KBT Metabee
DOG Cyandog
Anime Erika 18 Erika Amazake
Anime Ikki 18 Ikki Tenryou
CAT Peppercat
Anime Sloan episode 18 Sloan The Screws
Anime Samantha episode 18 Spyke
Mister Principal Mr. Principal
SAM Samurai
TOT Totalizer
PTA PTA Seven women with glasses that are members of Ginjou Elementary School's PTA/PTO, led by Mrs. Pimply. They helped her confiscate the school's Medabots and enforce the ban on Medabots, but changed their mind after they saw that Medabots can be good for the children. In the English version they are also known as Mothers Against Medabots (M.A.M.) in promotional materials,[2] but this name was not used in the episode itself. In the Japanese version they usually end their sentences with "zamasu" and are voiced by Terumi Kamei.
SLR Brass
Anime Parent-Teacher Meeting Faculty Ginjou Elementary School's faculty.
Miss Mimosa
Anime Coach Mountain episode 18 Coach Mountain
His past and present appearance unnamed An elder member of the school's faculty. The children's protest made him remember his youth, the Japanese version showing that he also had participated in a protest.
Anime students episode 18 Students
Multiple students from Ikki's school are shown. Two of them were named "Mikey" and "Suzie" in the dub. One or more of them were voiced by Mariko Nagahama in the Japanese version.
Anime Medabots episode 18 Medabots Several Medabots from the school students appear briefly, including Attack-Tyrano, Ambiguous, Pingen, Hopstar, Turnmonkey, Nin-Ninja, Volume10, Haniwa Golem, Sabotina, Warbandit, Cordy, Draken, Femjet, Moai, Drakonfly, Rockflower, and Gorem-2. Some of them appeared off-color.
Anime Henry episode 18 Henry
Anime Rokusho episode 18 Rokusho
Anime Chidori episode 18 Chidori Tenryou
Jouzou Tenryou Hand only, seen holding a newspaper next to Ikki during dinner.
Anime Salty episode 18 Salty
Anime Noctobats episode 18 Noctobat
Mister Referee 18 Mr. Referee


Rokusho: "And so the freedom of the young struggles with the authority of the old, but what good can come from a war between the youthful acorn and the unbending oak?"

Mr. Principal: "I'm so confused. What would you do in my position? The PTO says it isn't right for children to be playing with Medabots on school grounds, but the children have rights too and all they want to do is keep their Medabots."
Samurai: "Hang your head in shame, Mr. Principal, have you forgotten the true meaning of education?" (...) "Education isn't just about books and homework. Youngsters learn from every facet of life, including playtime. Well, I say this is a playground, not a prison, so please let these children play."


Title screens

Title Cards

Title Sequences








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