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Medabots Wiki
Face Lantern
Model No. px
Jack O' Lantern
Head: Pum
Right Arm: Poom
Left Arm: Kin
Legs: Pumpkin Carriage
Medarot 2, Medarot R, Medarot 4, Medabots AX, Medarot 2 Core

Ka O' Lantern (カオーランタン), known in English as Face Lantern, is a JOR-type Medabot that first appeared in Medarot 2.


Face Lantern's model is themed after a jack o' lantern and the Headless Horseman.

In the games[]

Face Lantern is a wheel-type Medabot specializing in applying the status effect, "No Defense" on his opponents. His parts use the "Interrupt" attribute, making him most compatible with the Monkey Medal.

In Medarot R[]

Face Lantern can be obtained from the Part Collection by fighting Kenbakku, who is ranked opponent number 21.

In Medarot 2 Core[]

The player can obtain Face Lantern by robattling wheel-type Medabots in Medaropolis Area 1.

In Medarot 4[]

Face Lantern's model number has been changed to JOR-1.
