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Hyper Beam (ハイパービーム Haipā Bīmu) is a Shooting action introduced in Medarot 7 that is a combination of Beam and Laser. Like Beam, its Power increases depending on how full the Medaforce gauge is, being doubled when half of the gauge is filled and tripled with a full gauge. As using the Medaforce drains the gauge, it will reduce its Power. Like Laser, the attack has a piercing effect, carrying the remaining damage done to a destroyed part to other part. It is a powerful but slow attack, and as it has the Optic attribute, Optical Guard can cancel it.

Medabots with Hyper Beam[]

Note that some may have different actions depending on the game. Differences are detailed on the Medabot's page.

Type Medabot Gender From First appearance
DGM OmegaKnight Right arm Medarot S: Unlimited Nova
KBT Arcbeetle Head* Medarot R
KBT Arcbeetle-Dash Drive A* Medarot 4
LEO Leo Head* Medarot Navi
WEA Robo-Emperor Left arm* Medarot
WEA Parallel Deus Head Medarot S: Unlimited Nova

See also[]
