Medabots, known as Medarot (メダロット Medarotto) in Japan, is a video game franchise from Imagineer that has as focus the Medabots, a type of advanced fighting robot that have Medals and Robattle. The series started in 1997 in Japan with the release of the first game and a tie-in manga by series designer Horumarin. Besides the games and manga, the series also received an anime, card games, and various merchandise. The series went in a hiatus after the release of Shingata Medarot in 2004, returning in 2009 with the announcement of Medarot DS. Early in the 2000s some content from the series was released outside Japan, including the anime, one manga, and three games.
Main series[]
All main games where released in two versions, Kabuto and Kuwagata (Metabee and Rokusho in the English Game Boy Advance game).
- Medarot (Game Boy, 1997)
- Medarot Perfect Edition (WonderSwan, 1999)
- Medarot 2 (Game Boy Color, 1999)
- Medabots (Medarot Two Core) (Game Boy Advance, 2002)
- Medarot 3 (Game Boy Color, 2000)
- Medarot 4 (Game Boy Color, 2001)
- Medarot 5: Susu Take Mura no Tenkōsei (Game Boy Color, 2001)
- Medarot DS (Nintendo DS, 2010)
- Medarot 7 (Nintendo 3DS, 2012)
- Medarot 8 (Nintendo 3DS, 2014)
- Medarot 9 (Nintendo 3DS, 2015)
Other games[]
- Medarot R (PlayStation, 1999)
- Medarot Card Robottle (Game Boy Color, 2000)
- Medarot Navi - Kabuto/Kuwagata Version (Game Boy Advance, 2001)
- Medarot G - Kabuto/Kuwagata Version (Game Boy Advance, 2002)
- Medabots AX - Metabee/Rokusho Version (Game Boy Advance, 2002)
- Medabots Infinity (Medarot Brave) (Nintendo GameCube, 2003-2004)
- Shingata Medarot (Game Boy Advance, 2004)
- Medarot Dual (Nintendo 3DS, 2013)
- Medarot Girls Mission (Nintendo 3DS, 2016)
- Medarot S: Unlimited Nova (Mobile, 2020)
- Medarot Parts Collection (Game Boy, 1998)
- Medarot Parts Collection 2 (Game Boy, 1998)
- Medarot 2 Parts Collection (Game Boy Color, 1999)
- Medarot R Parts Collection (PlayStation, 2000)
- Medarot 3 Parts Collection: Z kara no Chō Senjō (Game Boy Color, 2000)
- Medarot Classics - Kabuto/Kuwagata Version (Nintendo 3DS, 2017)
- Medarot Classics Plus - Kabuto/Kuwagata Version (Nintendo Switch, 2020)
- Medabots
- Medabots Spirit (Medarot Damashii)
- Medarot manga series (Medarot 1 to 5, G, and DS)
- Medabots (Medarot 2)
- Medaroter Rintarou!
- Medarot R
- Otoko! Dokyō Medacard Fighters
- Medarot 7
- Medarot Girls Mission
- Medarot Reloaded
Card games[]
- Medarot Card Game
- Medarot Official Card Game
- Medarot DS SP Trading Card