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Sword (ソード) is a basic attack present in every Medabots game.

Sword attacks involve slashing at the opponent with a blade or sharp edge, doing damage without any added effects. In terms of mechanics, it works very similarly to the other basic physical attacks, Hammer and Claw.

General effects[]

Sword is always a Grapple skill (either "Strike" or "Berserk"), and is notable for generally having very fast charge/cooldown and a high success rate (unlike Hammer, which is usually a heavier, slower attack).

In Medarot, Medarot 2, R, and the GBA Medabots, Sword parts have the Grapple attribute, while in Medarot 3 to 5 they usually have the Speed attribute. Both attributes make them highly compatible with the Kuwagata Medal.

In Medarot 7 and 8[]

Sword attacks now have the added feature of doing 1.2x damage if the attack is a critical hit. Higher success rates give it a higher chance of landing critical hits, and can be further increased with Radar Sight, Medalias, and other bonuses.

The CF attack version in Medarot 7 is CF Sword. Medarot 7 also introduced the Beam Sword, while Medarot 8 added a heavier charge-based version, Charge Blade.

Medabots AX[]

Sword is a fast attack with a short range. A right arm with Sword can attack up to three times before needing to cooldown, the third slash having a slightly longer range. A left arm with Sword cannot attack consecutively, using only the third slash from the right arm combo.

Medabots with Sword[]

Note that some may have different actions depending on the game. Differences are detailed on the Medabot's page.

Type Medabot Gender Part First appearance
AGO Nio-Kaiko Right arm Medarot Dual
Left arm
CHT Light Cheetah Head Medarot 3
COW Redmatador Right arm Medarot
CRC Sha-Fu Head Medarot 7
FDR Greed Right arm Medarot G
Left arm
GBK Gobanko Right arm Medarot R
GIN Yinja-Oh Left arm Medarot Dual
KNI Ready Go Right arm Medarot 8
Left arm
KWG Rokusho Right arm Medarot
KWG Zorin Right arm Medarot 2
KWG Titanbeetle Right arm Medarot 8
Left arm
KWG Roks Right arm Medarot 3
KWG Black-Stag Right arm Medarot 3
KWG Kuwagata Baizan Head Medarot 4
KWG Shinzan Right arm Medarot 5
KWG Servo Right arm Shingata Medarot
KWG P-Rokusho Right arm Medarot 7
KZA Piraskull Right arm Medarot R
LHB Eisiest 2 Right arm Medarot 3
MTS Mantaprey Head Medarot 2
Right arm
Left arm
NIN Nin-Ninja Right arm Medarot
Left arm
NIN LED Shadow Left arm Medarot 7
RYM Turbulent Left arm Medarot 7
SAM Samurai Head* Medarot
Right arm*
Left arm*
STG Sumilidon Right arm Medarot 2
STG Exor Right arm Medarot 3
Drive B

See also[]
